Our Process

Our process takes patience and effort, but the reward is worth it:

An extra virgin olive oil that will not only change your life for the better, but the life of a community and its people.

The Truth?

Producing any extra virgin olive oil is easy: take olives in any condition, at any time, to any mill, and you will get olive oil, and sometimes even an extra virgin.

But crafting an impeccable extra virgin olive oil is an intricate and delicate process, with countless variables that could falter — it requires expertise, science, intuition, and the harmony of Mother Nature.

Every bottle of our extra virgin olive oil transcends geographical boundaries and tells the story of a grove reborn


Explore our detailed process for producing exceptional extra virgin olive oil


Abandoned Grove's extra virgin olive oil

begins with profound knowledge and dedication to caring for the grove and its trees throughout the year, a commitment that extends to ensuring the healthy growth of each olive.


The Art and Science

of timely harvesting is precisely executed, ensuring the trees and olives remain unharmed. This process begins by envisioning the profile of our soon-to-be-extracted oil, selectively picking the healthiest olives at the grove-subsection level when they reach the cultivar-specific perfect state of maturation.


Within a few hours of harvest

our master millers and world-renowned olive oil tasters take over, skillfully extracting the oil in a modern mill. They taste, calibrate, and recalibrate in pursuit of the envisioned sensory profile. Each drop is immediately filtered and stored in temperature-controlled, oxygen-free fusti for further testing and tasting.


After rigorous in-house quality checks

we ensure unbiased results by having the oil evaluated by world-renowned professional tasters along with independent certified chemical laboratories and sensory panels.


Production for each lot respects the natural yield of the tree

and is limited to the grove's tree count. To preserve the artisanship, quality, and integrity of our oil, we do not purchase olives from outside sources or blend in any external oil to increase production volumes.


The oil is bottled oxygen-free at the source,

under the strict supervision of the Abandoned Grove team, then shipped immediately to maintain peak benefits and the unique seasonal characteristics of exceptional, extra virgin olive oil.

This work is equal parts passion, patience, and trust in the process and in the idea that nature knows best.

It may not be the easiest way to do business, but to us, it’s just good taste.

"A great olive oil has the ability to change your life, the one of a community and the planet."

~ Fil Bucchino, Founder & Awarded Olive Oil Expert

Don't take our word for it

Delicious-fragrant, spicy and delicate. Compliments to the grower/miller.

Michael Pollan

American Author

I opened a bottle yesterday and I only have a half left.

David Rocco

Celebrity Chef, Author, Syndicated TV Host

It is the freshest and purest oil coming into Toronto, highlighting the passion for sharing great oil by the AG team.

Chef Kyle Rindinella

Enoteca Sociale -Michelin Bib Gourmand

It’s beyond WONDERFUL

Chef Alida Solomon

Tutti Matti Ristorante Toscano

Sublime and potent, this oil tastes and feels like fresh olives in the warm sunshine - versatile and strong.

Dr. Artemis Morris

Integrative Medicine Doctor, Acupuncturist and Author

Elegant and pungent, it never gets lost in the gelato.

Chef Kaya Ogruce

Awarded Gelato Master, Death In Venice Gelato

There is olive oil, and then there is Abandoned Grove. The wake-up call that our recipes needed. A total game changer in our kitchen.

Dave Bassett

Multi-Platinum Songwriter and Producer