Our Groves


We don't just revive olive groves; we rejuvenate the very soul of the land, restoring bonds between nature, the community, and you.


Our guardianship goes beyond the initial revival. We ensure these groves thrive through sustainable practices, safeguarding their legacy and productivity for generations.


The essence of our mission transcends Abandonment. Through active involvement, we turn these groves into hubs of sustainability, education, and shared prosperity.

“Abandoned olive groves are more than just trees. They're the storytellers of our past, living symbols of an identity and the biodiversity that makes each region unique, and deserving of our care.”

~ Fil Bucchino, Founder

Our Process

Every bottle of our extra virgin olive oil transcends geographic boundaries and tells the story of a grove reborn.

This work is equal parts passion, patience, and trust in the process and in the idea that nature knows best.

It may not be the easiest way to do business, but to us, it’s just good taste.

Traditional non-irrigated groves sequester approximately 300% more carbon than super-intensive ones.

Our methods not only enhance biodiversity but also prevent erosion, reduce hydrogeological risks, and preserve cultural heritage.
Our approach allows for slow, meticulous extra virgin olive oil production that elevates flavor, aroma, and health benefits.

One Tree
One Bottle

1:46 min watch time